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Worn Out

"You have dealt well with Your servant, O Lord, according to Your Word." – Psalm 119:65

I'll always remember the Bible teacher who held up his well-worn Bible and said, "every believer should wreck a copy of the Bible every 10 years." In other words, we should use our Bibles so much that they gradually wear out. His challenge also reminds me of the saying: "A Bible that's falling apart is usually owned by someone who isn't!" This is certainly became true for me.

I'm not proud of the years when my Bible was considerably under-used. During that time, I was falling apart instead of my Bible. Amazingly, God used my condition as a means of whetting my appetite for His Word.

One day I sensed that God was reminding me that His Word was truth that works. From that point on, I desired to put hose truths into action in my life. For me, the Bible was no longer just a guilt producer and a dust collector. Little by little, as i read it, digest it, and underlined key phrases, my Bible began falling apart instead of me!

In the margin of many pages in D.L. Moody's Bible, he wrote the letters T and P, meaning, "Tried and Proved." He had put into practice passages from God's Word, proving that they work. You too can try and prove God's wonder-working Word. -- Joanie Yoder

My Bible, worn from years of fingered use,

Penciled margins, verses underlined,

With edges frayed and many pages loose —

Shows were God impressed my heart and mind. – F.Hess

This article was taken from the book, "Our Daily Bread"

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