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Where did it started?

Lychee's Corner
by Angel Alexa La'Santos

What's in the name?

Lychee's Corner.  Lychee was once a code name or nickname I use when I was hanging out with my friends.  I didn't want to give my real name that's why I decided to have a name which I can use every time we hang out.

I got the name Lychee's Corner when I was deciding what name I want to give to my page.  At first it was about a small business I am planning then it turn this way.  A website for myself.


Angel Alexa La'Santos.


My first child was a boy and I named him Ryan Angelo. Got Ryan from my husbands name and Angelo since he was a boy and his our first baby.


Then my next baby was a girl.  Summer Alexa.  She lives 1 year and 6 months only but her life was meaningful for us. Summer from my other code name Samantha while Alexa from my sister name Alexandra. 


La'Santos. simple Lazaro-Santos. Me and my husband last name.

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