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Diary of Beauty

Dear Diary,

I feel depressed. People stop at nothing to have me, yet very few seem to see me as I am. All they seem to see in me my superficial aspect; my depth, they completely ignore. They seek me everywhere — in products that promise to deliver me to those who use them, and in treatments that guarantee I’d appear in those who undergo them. And while the patrons of these products and treatments are happy with the results, thinking they now possess me, they don’t know all they have attained is just but an aspect of me – the one that appeals to the eyes.

That’s why I am disheartened. How can I tell them they are looking in the wrong places for the wrong concept? How can I tell those good-looking people that it’s just but a part of me that they have; that while they are gifted of my physical manifestations, they cannot truly have me if they don’t embody me in their thoughts, words and actions? How can I let them see that while an aspect of me can be had by using those products and undergoing those procedures, the more important part of me resides in them, in the recesses of their hearts? How can I make them realize that I am more than what they take me for, that I am deeper than what they give me credit for? How can I make them understand that I am goodness, and goodness is me?

Oh, it’s so sad being a gravely misunderstood concept.


(by Sherma E. Benosa)

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